ArchaeologicalObjectID TD_H-VI_bb22_L7088

Basic Information
Legacy ID td_h-vi_bb22_l7088
Creator of metadata Martina Simon
Archaeological object ID TD_H-VI_bb22_L7088
Archaeological object comment lehmiger Horizont mit Scherben, teilweise sandige Litzen und humos-aschige Flecken, dieser Horizont schneidet schon unter L7074. Er laeuft die Mauern M4334/M4335/M4336 an
File is related to other TD resources TD_AccDB_4DPuzzle9762__TD_database_H-VI
Comment from digitisation None
Excavation object ID
  • td_h-vi_bb22_planum5_test
  • Corresponding to archaeological object ID
  • td_h-vi_l7088