rvn_fielddrawing_archaeological_object_id_archaeologicalobjectid |
Legacy ID | td_h-vi_u24_l6841 |
Creator of metadata | Martina Simon |
Archaeological object ID | TD_H-VI_u24_L6841 |
Archaeological object comment | Grube, OK nicht erhalten, mit Lehmziegelbrocken u KS-Splittern verfüllt, 178 x 145 cm, 65 cm tief, schneidet in L6795. (aelteres c) od aelter, vermutl. aelter als d. |
Position | 4N|5W |
File is related to other TD resources | TD_AccDB_4DPuzzle9762__TD_database_H-VI |
Comment from digitisation | None |
Archaeological object type | grube |
Excavation object ID |
Corresponding to archaeological object ID |