ArchaeologicalObjectID TD_H-VI_aa22_M4274

Basic Information
Legacy ID td_h-vi_aa22_m4274
Creator of metadata Martina Simon
Archaeological object ID TD_H-VI_aa22_M4274
Archaeological object comment Lehmziegelmauer NNO-SSW 103 cm, vormals 2 Stein stark, Ziegel schwer voneinander zu unterscheiden, vermutlich Fortsetzung von M4249 in bb22. Eckverband zu M4273 ? Von Fundamenten L6936 durchschlagen,
File is related to other TD resources TD_AccDB_4DPuzzle9762__TD_database_H-VI
Comment from digitisation daher älter als Str. d
Archaeological object type mauer
Excavation object ID
  • TD_H-VI_aa22_Planum2
  • Corresponding to archaeological object ID
  • td_h-vi_m4274