ArchaeologicalObjectID TD_H-VI_w23_L6958

Basic Information
Legacy ID td_h-vi_w23_l6958
Creator of metadata Martina Simon
Archaeological object ID TD_H-VI_w23_L6958
Archaeological object comment Bau von Nagern ( Ratten ), Dm. 20-15 cm, auch breiter, verbindet M 4260 und M4276 und geht in w/22 weiter und verzweigt sich
File is related to other TD resources TD_AccDB_4DPuzzle9762__TD_database_H-VI
Comment from digitisation None
Archaeological object type nagerbau
Excavation object ID
  • TD_H-VI_w23_Planum3
  • Corresponding to archaeological object ID
  • td_h-vi_l6958