Fotosgescannt TD_SWdig_1533_04A__TD_3290

Basic Information
Legacy ID td_swdig_1533_04a__td_3290
Creator of metadata David Blattner
Creator of original photo Manfred Bietak
Creator of scan Foto Leutner
Filename TD_SWdig_1533_04A__TD_3290
Document ID TD_SWdig_1533_04A
Document title TD_3290
Filename old 04A
Film number None
Photo number 04A
Creation date of analogue photo None
Creation year of analogue photo 1980
Creation date of scan 2016-07-01
Creation date of metadata 2017-01-02
Document type Schwarzweiß Fotonegativ digitalisiert__Objektfoto
Resolution of scan None
Pixel size 3130x2075 pixels|18,6 MB
Comment on the original document None
Comment from digitisation None
Film ID TD_SWnegfilm_1980_1533
File extension of scan .tif
Copyright ÖAW (ÖAI/OREA)
Access restricted
Equipment used for scanning noritsuhs-1800