Browse Convolute Cards

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The filename of convolute cards consists of the document_ID (unique identifier). The document ID is a project-specific unique identifier which consists of the abbreviation for the site (TD for Tell el-Daba), the abbreviation for the document type (e.g. KK for Konvolutkarte) and an inventory number (or, if there was no inventory number, an ID with the prefix 4DPuzzle was created, e.g. 4DPuzzle1234).
helptext for convolute_inventory_number
helptext for convolute_subnumber
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Total results: 479
ID Filename
341 TD_KK_K7920_2
340 TD_KK_K7920_1
339 TD_KK_K7917_3
338 TD_KK_K7917_2
337 TD_KK_K7917_1
336 TD_KK_K7913
335 TD_KK_K7912
334 TD_KK_K7911
333 TD_KK_K7910_3
332 TD_KK_K7910_2
331 TD_KK_K7910_1
330 TD_KK_K7906
329 TD_KK_K7905_2
328 TD_KK_K7905_1
327 TD_KK_K7898_2
326 TD_KK_K7898_1
325 TD_KK_K7896_3
324 TD_KK_K7896_2
323 TD_KK_K7896_1
322 TD_KK_K7888
321 TD_KK_K7878
320 TD_KK_K7863
319 TD_KK_K7861_2
318 TD_KK_K7861_1
317 TD_KK_K7860
316 TD_KK_K7858_2
315 TD_KK_K7858_1
314 TD_KK_K7857_2
313 TD_KK_K7857_1
312 TD_KK_K7856
311 TD_KK_K7855_2
310 TD_KK_K7855_1
309 TD_KK_K7853
308 TD_KK_K7852_2
307 TD_KK_K7852_1
306 TD_KK_K7846
305 TD_KK_K7845_3
304 TD_KK_K7845_2
303 TD_KK_K7845_1
302 TD_KK_K7844_2
301 TD_KK_K7844_1
300 TD_KK_K7843
299 TD_KK_K7842
298 TD_KK_K7841
297 TD_KK_K7840_2
296 TD_KK_K7840_1
295 TD_KK_K7838
294 TD_KK_K7837_2
293 TD_KK_K7837_1
292 TD_KK_K7836_2

Page total: 50