Browse Convolute Cards

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The filename of convolute cards consists of the document_ID (unique identifier). The document ID is a project-specific unique identifier which consists of the abbreviation for the site (TD for Tell el-Daba), the abbreviation for the document type (e.g. KK for Konvolutkarte) and an inventory number (or, if there was no inventory number, an ID with the prefix 4DPuzzle was created, e.g. 4DPuzzle1234).
helptext for convolute_inventory_number
helptext for convolute_subnumber
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Total results: 479
ID Filename
191 TD_KK_K7748_2
190 TD_KK_K7748_1
189 TD_KK_K7747
188 TD_KK_K7746
187 TD_KK_K7745
186 TD_KK_K7744
185 TD_KK_K7743
184 TD_KK_K7742
183 TD_KK_K7741
182 TD_KK_K7740
181 TD_KK_K7739_2
180 TD_KK_K7739_1
179 TD_KK_K7738_2
178 TD_KK_K7738_1
177 TD_KK_K7737_3
176 TD_KK_K7737_2
175 TD_KK_K7737_1
174 TD_KK_K7736_3
173 TD_KK_K7736_2
172 TD_KK_K7736_1
171 TD_KK_K7735
170 TD_KK_K7734_3
169 TD_KK_K7734_2
168 TD_KK_K7734_1
167 TD_KK_K7725_2
166 TD_KK_K7725_1
165 TD_KK_K7722_4
164 TD_KK_K7722_3
163 TD_KK_K7722_2
162 TD_KK_K7722_1
161 TD_KK_K7715_2
160 TD_KK_K7715_1
159 TD_KK_K7714_2
158 TD_KK_K7714_1
157 TD_KK_K7713_3
156 TD_KK_K7713_2
155 TD_KK_K7713_1
154 TD_KK_K7711_2
153 TD_KK_K7711_1
152 TD_KK_K7710_4
151 TD_KK_K7710_3
150 TD_KK_K7710_2
149 TD_KK_K7710_1
148 TD_KK_K7708_3
147 TD_KK_K7708_2
146 TD_KK_K7708_1
145 TD_KK_K7706
144 TD_KK_K7698
143 TD_KK_K7692_3
142 TD_KK_K7692_2

Page total: 50