Browse Convolute Cards

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The filename of convolute cards consists of the document_ID (unique identifier). The document ID is a project-specific unique identifier which consists of the abbreviation for the site (TD for Tell el-Daba), the abbreviation for the document type (e.g. KK for Konvolutkarte) and an inventory number (or, if there was no inventory number, an ID with the prefix 4DPuzzle was created, e.g. 4DPuzzle1234).
helptext for convolute_inventory_number
helptext for convolute_subnumber
Whether access to the resource is restricted or if it is open to the public.
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Total results: 479
ID Filename
291 TD_KK_K7836_1
290 TD_KK_K7835
289 TD_KK_K7834_2
288 TD_KK_K7834_1
287 TD_KK_K7833
286 TD_KK_K7832_3
285 TD_KK_K7832_2
284 TD_KK_K7832_1
283 TD_KK_K7831_3
282 TD_KK_K7831_2
281 TD_KK_K7831_1
280 TD_KK_K7830
279 TD_KK_K7829_4
278 TD_KK_K7829_3
277 TD_KK_K7829_2
276 TD_KK_K7829_1
275 TD_KK_K7828_3
274 TD_KK_K7828_2
273 TD_KK_K7828_1
272 TD_KK_K7827
271 TD_KK_K7826_2
270 TD_KK_K7826_1
269 TD_KK_K7824
268 TD_KK_K7821
267 TD_KK_K7816_3
266 TD_KK_K7816_2
265 TD_KK_K7816_1
264 TD_KK_K7815_3
263 TD_KK_K7815_2
262 TD_KK_K7815_1
261 TD_KK_K7813_3
260 TD_KK_K7813_2
259 TD_KK_K7813_1
258 TD_KK_K7812_2
257 TD_KK_K7812_1
256 TD_KK_K7811
255 TD_KK_K7810_2
254 TD_KK_K7810_1
253 TD_KK_K7809_3
252 TD_KK_K7809_2
251 TD_KK_K7809_1
250 TD_KK_K7808_2
249 TD_KK_K7808_1
248 TD_KK_K7807
247 TD_KK_K7806_3
246 TD_KK_K7806_2
245 TD_KK_K7806_1
244 TD_KK_K7802_3
243 TD_KK_K7802_2
242 TD_KK_K7802_1

Page total: 50