Browse Convolute Cards

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The filename of convolute cards consists of the document_ID (unique identifier). The document ID is a project-specific unique identifier which consists of the abbreviation for the site (TD for Tell el-Daba), the abbreviation for the document type (e.g. KK for Konvolutkarte) and an inventory number (or, if there was no inventory number, an ID with the prefix 4DPuzzle was created, e.g. 4DPuzzle1234).
helptext for convolute_inventory_number
helptext for convolute_subnumber
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Total results: 491
ID Filename
391 TD_KK_K7992_1
390 TD_KK_K7991_2
389 TD_KK_K7991_1
388 TD_KK_K7990_3
387 TD_KK_K7990_2
386 TD_KK_K7990_1
385 TD_KK_K7989_2
384 TD_KK_K7989_1
383 TD_KK_K7988_3
382 TD_KK_K7988_2
381 TD_KK_K7988_1
380 TD_KK_K7987_2
379 TD_KK_K7987_1
378 TD_KK_K7972_2
377 TD_KK_K7972_1
376 TD_KK_K7948
375 TD_KK_K7942_3
374 TD_KK_K7942_2
373 TD_KK_K7942_1
372 TD_KK_K7939
371 TD_KK_K7936
370 TD_KK_K7935
369 TD_KK_K7933_2
368 TD_KK_K7933_1
367 TD_KK_K7932_4
366 TD_KK_K7932_3
365 TD_KK_K7932_2
364 TD_KK_K7932_1
363 TD_KK_K7931_4
362 TD_KK_K7931_3
361 TD_KK_K7931_2
360 TD_KK_K7931_1
359 TD_KK_K7930_4
358 TD_KK_K7930_3
357 TD_KK_K7930_2
356 TD_KK_K7930_1
355 TD_KK_K7925_2
354 TD_KK_K7925_1
353 TD_KK_K7924
352 TD_KK_K7922
351 TD_KK_K7921_9
350 TD_KK_K7921_8
349 TD_KK_K7921_7
348 TD_KK_K7921_6
347 TD_KK_K7921_5
346 TD_KK_K7921_4
345 TD_KK_K7921_3
344 TD_KK_K7921_2
343 TD_KK_K7921_1
342 TD_KK_K7920_3

Page total: 50