Browse Convolute Cards

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The filename of convolute cards consists of the document_ID (unique identifier). The document ID is a project-specific unique identifier which consists of the abbreviation for the site (TD for Tell el-Daba), the abbreviation for the document type (e.g. KK for Konvolutkarte) and an inventory number (or, if there was no inventory number, an ID with the prefix 4DPuzzle was created, e.g. 4DPuzzle1234).
helptext for convolute_inventory_number
helptext for convolute_subnumber
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Total results: 491
ID Filename
241 TD_KK_K7801_3
240 TD_KK_K7801_2
239 TD_KK_K7801_1
238 TD_KK_K7792
237 TD_KK_K7786
236 TD_KK_K7785
235 TD_KK_K7784
234 TD_KK_K7783
233 TD_KK_K7782
232 TD_KK_K7781
231 TD_KK_K7777
230 TD_KK_K7776
229 TD_KK_K7773_2
228 TD_KK_K7773_1
227 TD_KK_K7770
226 TD_KK_K7769
225 TD_KK_K7768
224 TD_KK_K7767_2
223 TD_KK_K7767_1
222 TD_KK_K7766_6
221 TD_KK_K7766_5
220 TD_KK_K7766_4
219 TD_KK_K7766_3
218 TD_KK_K7766_2
217 TD_KK_K7766_1
216 TD_KK_K7765
215 TD_KK_K7764
214 TD_KK_K7763
213 TD_KK_K7762
212 TD_KK_K7761
211 TD_KK_K7760
210 TD_KK_K7759
209 TD_KK_K7758
208 TD_KK_K7757_3
207 TD_KK_K7757_2
206 TD_KK_K7757_1
205 TD_KK_K7756
204 TD_KK_K7755
203 TD_KK_K7754
202 TD_KK_K7753
201 TD_KK_K7752_2
200 TD_KK_K7752_1
199 TD_KK_K7751_2
198 TD_KK_K7751_1
197 TD_KK_K7750_2
196 TD_KK_K7750_1
195 TD_KK_K7749_4
194 TD_KK_K7749_3
193 TD_KK_K7749_2
192 TD_KK_K7749_1

Page total: 50